Roswell ’98: Moar Xenomorphs!

It’s been a little quiet around here due to work and other life activities, luckily I had a simple project to ease back into the saddle. Here’s 20 1:72 “not-Alien” models from Elheim. They can be used in my games of Xenos Rampant, Fistful of Lead, Zona Alfa, Gaslands, whatever. Having 20 aliens seems like they’d have their use…

I already had 10 painted, plus a “Queen”. Now, it’s a healthy hive of 30 “hornets”. Basically, a Nuln Oil Gloss wash over grey prime and these acid bleeders were done.

Zombies in my Roswell setting are animated and controlled by the Queen’s hive mind as they serve as alien larvae incubators. So, adding in 20 zombies I had painted up and this is now over 50 models. I don’t know how often I’ll need this many on a side, but I wanted something easy to paint to get these numbers up. I was originally thinking, “more zombies”, but more aliens were easier to paint. Now, I have enough Lesser Xenomorphs to test out a Xenos Rampant version of the Mr. Babbage rules from The Men Who Would Be Kings.

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