Ronin: Sohei Buntai

After the Bandits, the Koryu, and the Ninja, I’ve now got a fourth buntai… the Sohei. Usually, I prefer to create and employ my own colors for factions, so this may be the first time I’ve simply gone with the faction colors as presented in the rulebook’s samples. I kinda like the black and white Sohei model in one of the pictures in the Ronin rulebook, but my other three factions are in darker colors, so for these warrior monks, something colorful to contrast was ideal. The traditional orange and yellow work. I used AK colors with a Seraphim Sepia wash for shading. not a perfect shade, but works for me!

The local gamers I game with prefer games without measuring tape. They dig on Blood Bowl’s clear, square-spaced movement and Gaslands with its move templates. I found these 9″ marked, MDF katana measuring swords for Test of Honor, but as in Ronin a model moves six inches, or can run for three more, they work perfect for Ronin too and omit the need to get out measuring tape.

With the Sohei painted, my current collection of Ronin models is complete. There’s room in the Really Useful Box for some more Swords-for-Hire, maybe Mythological Creatures, or another Buntai. Unsure at the exactly what at the moment, but have several different things I’d like to add in the future. In the meantime, I’m pleased this project is done for now and am scheduling games in the coming weeks.

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