Nuffle Amorical Football: The Miasma of Debauchery Part 2


With the color scheme decided, it was time to get this team up and running.  I decided to go with the typical plan of working through lineman, specialty players, and finish up with stars and staff.  I understand the usefulness of batch-painting, but I have a hard time spreading myself over more than five to six models at a time.  I get excited when a model goes from the ugly patchy phase of having base coats to the when it starts coming together, and batch painting large groups keeps models in that ugly phase for a long time.  Did I also mention it’s really boring?  My brain likes to see progress, so my batch groups stayed small.  Continue reading

Ronin: Sohei Buntai

After the Bandits, the Koryu, and the Ninja, I’ve now got a fourth buntai… the Sohei. Usually, I prefer to create and employ my own colors for factions, so this may be the first time I’ve simply gone with the faction colors as presented in the rulebook’s samples. I kinda like the black and white Sohei model in one of the pictures in the Ronin rulebook, but my other three factions are in darker colors, so for these warrior monks, something colorful to contrast was ideal. The traditional orange and yellow work. I used AK colors with a Seraphim Sepia wash for shading. not a perfect shade, but works for me!

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Ronin: Swords for Hire

A pair of Ronin and a Shugyosha looking for work. Any of these models could be used as either a Ronin or Shugyosha, but in my mind while painting, the two on the left were Ronin and the Ryu-looking model on the far right is the Shugyuosha looking to test his skills against the greatest warriors of my dining room table. The center model with yari (or nagae-yari) is from Warring Clans, the other two are from Bac Ninh Miniatures.

Experimenting With a New Basing Technique


For me, basing has always been the last thing I do on my models when I paint them.  This tends to make basing one of my least favorite things to do as its the last hurdle needed to call a project done.  My current basing style looks fair, but I also feel that it takes a long time to get that look.  I want to find a faster way to get things based without sacrificing on the quality.  Enter Geek Gaming Scenics! Continue reading

Nuffle Amorical Football: The Miasma of Debauchery Part 1


Back in another lifetime it seems I put together a Blood Bowl Team emulating the Cleveland Browns.  The idea got me thinking of continuing the trend of blending Amorical (American) Football teams into the game of Blood Bowl.  I’m not going to lie I probably (most certainly) own enough teams to do a full 32 team league, but alas I don’t paint fast enough to have enough lifetime to get to that goal.  The original goal was to plow through the AFC North Division first, but instead I drifted over to the AFC East and put together a lovely Chaos Chosen team.  Continue reading

Rise From Your Grave: Resurrecting an Old Classic


I have a long history of incomplete hobby projects.  My usual method of operation is getting excited to start a project, buy all the models to make it happen, start the hobby part of the project, add to the project to make it larger than the original scope, get burned out on the project, and then move on to the next project with the original unfinished. With Blood Bowl being my main hobby project, it’s no surprise that almost half of my teams are incomplete to one level or another.  With the prospects of a retro Blood Bowl event in 2024, I figured now was the time to wrap up my longest unfinished project. 

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2023 in Review

2023 was a banner year for me regarding number of models painted and projects done. Going into the year I had no intention of painting a Black Orc Blood Bowl team, but I already had 10 models for one previously painted (six goblins and a troll from the Goblin BzB team and three black orcs from the Black Orc BzB team). Painting three Black Orcs was low hanging fruit to get another full BB team option in my locker-room. What else did I knock out this year? Read on for the numbers.

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