Blood Bowl: The Human Team

I’ve had the BB2016 release of the human team kicking around assembled and primed since 2018. Recently acquiring some spare hailings and a chainsaw player, I figured it was time to finally paint this lot. Well, we’ve also got a new league season kicking off shortly and that’s always a great motivator in getting a team painted.

Despite the passing rules being a little wonky in the BB20 ruleset, the human thrower is quite the gunslinger with a PA stat of 2+. Above is the team’s passing core. The model dead center is the starting thrower, Gundolf Heiner. This season each team gets a player with a free Leader in the hopes that we build our own homegrown stars. I’m fielding quite a few throwers around him, so I’m hoping Gundolf “The Gundhand” Heiner lights up the tables.

The Blitzers on the ends are from the Forge World booster pack and the chainsaw looney in the middle comes from Fanath, but with a head swap. Not sure how often we’ll field a chainsaw, but I do like chainsaw player models. I think this is my fourth out of six teams.

A few human linemen hoping to get some minutes in an actual game. Those minutes are going to be rare with all those studly blitzers and glamorous catchers delivering the big plays. Maybe these guys will resort to less honorable means to make an impression with the coach…

Going all the way back to third edition, I’ve thought that Halflings belonged on the human rooster. It only made sense as the Orc teams include Goblins and narratively The Moot resides within The Empires borders. No doubt teams with an edge will look high…and low…for advantage. Well, they’re finally here. The Ogre and Halfling in the center were originally the Grak and Crumbleberry dou sold exclusively at Warhammer World. The Grak model had wings on his helmet, so it was only the matter off adding a Blitzer’s crest for the Ogre to fit in aesthetically with the other players. The halflings all received Human helmets…where it looks better on some than it does on others, but that’s fitting for the ‘flings.

Is posted a few years back this human team has it’s colors inspired by a woodpecker. I wanted something bold, in the style of second edition teams, but also something that could play off of the bird motif sculpted on all the helmets.

So, that’s the human team finally sorted. I need to source a coach now, but I think I’m going to look for a single coach model for all my teams. I’m having a change of heart on coaching models. Where I used to find a specific model to match the team, I think I’m going to lean into the coach being the avatar of ‘me’ on the pitch and in-world is a guy who has a lengthy career receiving contracts from various teams to coach squads through leagues and tournaments.

Going down to one, singular coaching model will help cut down future paint queues. Gotta find a good one now…

4 thoughts on “Blood Bowl: The Human Team

    • Thanks! I’m pleased with how they’ve turned out. Particularly with the black base ring. Friends convinced me it’s the way to go over decades of green base rings on my BB minis.


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