Blitz Bowl: Da Troll

Similar to the halflings needing a Treeman in the last post, the goblin team was now short a Troll with the release of Ultimate Edition. I made a trade for one of the plastic Blood Bowl trolls and had a go at doing him up in the browns of my Blitz Bowl goblin team.

This is my second time converting and painting up this plastic troll model. In both instances, I replaced the right arm throwing a goblin (this time with a three fingered fist from the Impact! Miniatures minotaur – sculpted by Pedro Ramos) and repositioned the left arm down, away from the face. I used two shoulder pads from Age of Sigmar Orruk Brutes. In hindsight, I wish I had only gone with one shoulder pad, the one on the right shoulder, and not two. As seen above, I also converted a rat ogre around the same time.

I finished up the goblins back in Orctober, but forgot the token and coin. Going with my usual verdigris look, these were a snap to paint up.

As a squad, I really like how they came out. Initially, I went different shades of browns for the goblins as I figured whatever entity was bankrolling this team wouldn’t put too much backing into it so the team would be a mish-mash of boring colors. Taking them all in though, the brown and greens really compliment each other. On the troll’s wooden sign, I tried to freehand a few things on his wooden sign… “Get Uglee”, “Spug”, an anarchy symbol… it all looked like trash. Had to go with a transfer.

Looking forward to trying this team out in the Blitz Bowl arenas. Early word is that the goblins can be tricky to play against and are quite good actually. Hopefully, I’ll be getting a match in with them during the winter break.

5 thoughts on “Blitz Bowl: Da Troll

  1. That Minotaur arm worked awesome. Glad you were able to put it to use. Both of your trolls have turned a rather questionable design into great looking trolls!


  2. Nice work on the Troll and that Rat Ogre is looking pretty nice! The Goblins are pretty powerful in the early edition of Blitz Bowl. I think they are toned down a bit in the latest one. The kids said they were a lousy team, so I took Goblins and proceeded to beat Chaos and any other team they threw at me, haha! Mainly their numbers and how you can use them to tie up your opponents.


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