Blood Bowl: Star Players

A year or two ago, I expanded Dwarf and Union Elf Blitz Bowl teams to full Blood Bowl teams. Though I have yet to ever play with the Dwarves, and have only fielded the Union Elves sparingly, I found myself with a few of their star players which sat unpainted for a good long while. As 2023 wraps up, I’ve done pretty good about completing projects here and there, so I figure I might as well wrap up the unpainted models I had for these two teams.

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Blood Bowl: The Undead

I meant to get this post out at the end of October, but became pre-occupied. Last October, in celebration of “Orktober” I painted up several flavors of green-skin models to make teams for a few different Blood Bowl titles. This year, I did something similar, but for Undead. Maybe a bit more fitting for October.

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Blitz Bowl: The Nobility Team

Cruising through my painting queue this year, I wrapped up models 149-154. So far, this is a banner year in painting. These six Nobility models sat primed in storage for a good long while until I could settle on a theme. I’m envisioning this set from the Border Princess region maybe and with a bit of a Spanish flair.

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Blitz Bowl: Da Troll

Similar to the halflings needing a Treeman in the last post, the goblin team was now short a Troll with the release of Ultimate Edition. I made a trade for one of the plastic Blood Bowl trolls and had a go at doing him up in the browns of my Blitz Bowl goblin team.

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Blitz Bowl: Halfling Round Up

Last month’s Orctober project allowed me to wrap up some various odds and ends in my orc Blood Bowl model collection that needed to be completed. Inspired by that, I used November, the month of giving thanks and enjoying a feast, to do something similar for my Halfling models. Let’s see what was accomplished…

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Blitz Bowl: The Ogre Team

While I was working on the Mournmountain Sabretusks ogre team for the local Blood Bowl league, I went ahead and tackled the Blitz Bowl version of the ogre team as well. However, instead of the same red, white, and blue colors, I went grey and yellow to maximize their gaming potential.

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DungeonBowl: Chests and Portals

I’ve already got plenty of Blood Bowl models on dungeon tile bases (for my Blitz Bowl collection), so the recent re-release of GW’s DungeonBowl was an easy “yes”. I already had all the team models that came in the DB set, as I had been collecting them for Blitz Bowl. The only plastic in the DB box left to paint were the treasure chests and portals.

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