The Road to Orclahoma Bowl/Spiky Cup UPDATE!


Quick update today… Just wanted to say seven Dwarves down, ten Longbeards and one Deathroller to go! Of course, I do not REALLY need eighteen minis just for the tournament, but if I am going to paint a team, I might as well paint the TEAM…


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The Road to Orclahoma Bowl/Spiky Cup!

imageOK, so it has only been two weeks since I made the drive up to Oklahoma for Critter Bowl IV, but I have already made plans to return next month for Orclahoma Bowl/Spiky Cup. this is a two day, two tournament Blood Bowl event hosted by Scott and Steve of the Both Down podcast. I had a great time at the last tournament, but Orclahoma Bowl/Spiky Cup is their “premiere” tournament event and so I am going to brave the five and a half hour drive again. At least I will not be going alone this time, as a whole group of coaches from Austin are all piling in together.

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