Gaslands: The Punks

Punks are a staple of Post Apocalyptic gaming, but it took me a while to figure out exactly what I wanted to do with them in my Roswell ’98 setting. I originally planned to just use army greens like the Maniax as a tribute to the Dark Future gang. Ultimately, I opted to employ some inspiration from them, but not copy that gang outright.

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Xenos Rampant: The Martian

Here’s the main antagonists of my little Roswell ’98 setting, the aliens that have come back 50 years after the ’48 “weather balloon” incident. A lot of angles I had bouncing around in my head to use “cult” style minis from two great 20mm lines solidified in this detachment.

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Xenos Rampant: The Survivors

My fourth completed detachment, and the protagonists of my little Roswell’ 98 setting are The Survivors. I recently finished painting a few units for this band and I’ve got many, many human models painted at this scale now, so this detachment could easily go beyond the standard 24pts. This post will only address the 24 though.

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Xenos Rampant: Three Creature Feature Detachments

Working on Post Apoc models for my Roswell ’98 project, has lent itself to being a large stepping stone to Xenos Rampant (XR) Detachments. This week, I painted up a handful of models that flexed what where Gaslands Scenario creatures and obstacles into their own Xenos Rampant Detachments.

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