Blood Bowl – More Guts, More Glory!

One day last year I was doing my usual daily jaunt through the interwebs, and I came across an announcement for a new Blood Bowl comic book from Titan Comics called Blood Bowl More Guts, More Glory! I was interested, but since I’m not a huge comic book fan, I promptly forgot all about. Then about a week ago, the memory of the announcement randomly popped into my head. I jumped onto Amazon, found that there was now a trade paperback collection of all 4 issues, and promptly made an order.

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Necromunda… A Return to Terrain

So… when I first started this site, it was mostly about terrain, and occasionally about minis. Then, Games Workshop went and announced that they were re-releasing my favorite game, Blood Bowl, complete with all new miniatures. As a result, for more than a year now, I have focused mostly on new minis for Blood Bowl, along with occasionally writing about other games. This has been a little bit of a dilemma for me since I dislike painting minis so much. What got me into the hobby in the first place was pictures of really awesome terrain that I saw on websites like TerraGenesis. While keeping up with Blood Bowl releases, I got away from the part I liked most about this hobby… the terrain.

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Under the Brush: Another Rivendell paint scheme

Just a quick update from last night, an attempt at narrowing down my color scheme for my Rivendell high elves for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game.

Edit: Retouched the cloak tonight. Can you spot a difference?

Gaspez-Arts Bull Warriors Team Unboxing and Review

Soooooooo….. I guess it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. There are a number of reasons for that, and I won’t bore anyone with the details. The good news is that I’m back and I have something really cool to share with you guys.

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Under the brush: Tinkering with elves

I was feeling unsure about my color scheme. I decided to give the cloak some more layers of black and blue washes and the skirt some layers brown washes to make the colors richer.

I’m not sure the photos convey the differences, which are subtle. I’m still thinking I might try another scheme. I like the color scheme GW has for the Elrond foot and mounted version. But maybe with off-white cloaks.
