Warcry: Splintering Some Fangs


It’s been a while since my last post finishing up my wood elf team for Blood Bowl, I haven’t been idle, I’ve just been lousy about blogging. In the mean time I’ve painted up a warband of Warcry! Like the rest of my WSTZ compatriots I was smitten by the release of Warcry. Seeing all the warbands made especially for the setting of the Eight Points really got my blood pumping, but one in particular got my venom pumping.

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Ogres Thunder Their Way on to the Pitch

Ogre 12

Many years ago when I was a much younger man with no responsibilities, I had the luck to attend the first Blood Bowl tournament held at the GW headquarters in Nottiginham.  Besides playing six nail-biting games over a two day period and attempting to drink Bugman’s Bar dry, I had an exciting opportunity to be one of the first 100+ people to get my hands on the then brand new metal Ogre team.

At the time the Ogre team was something to be awed at.  It offered a plethora of arms, legs, head, and bodies to help create a wide variety of poses.  It also came with a new goblin model and an arm representing an ogre throwing a goblin.  The models wear beefy!  Being completely metal they were always at risk of drops breaking them back into their component pieces.  Their size and bases also made them tricky to use on the game board.  It wasn’t too long before the team was out of production and now 18+ years later a new and improved team takes to the field.  Do they stack up to their forefathers?  Are we seeing an ogre renaissance?  Mr. White and I offer our thoughts on this new team and how we feel they stack up against their history.

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Gaslands: Back into the Wasteland

Dark Future was one of the two Games Workshop titles that captured my imagination back in the late 80’s. My friend picked up a set while I bought Blood Bowl Second Edition from a small game shop in Kaiserslautern, (at the time ‘West’) Germany. If I remember correctly, the shop was called “Gerd’s” and we’d talk one of our parents to drive us there every couple months as both our father’s were stationed at a nearby US army base. Well before the internet, it was the only place we could find hobby games of this sort and the outfit from Great Britain quickly replaced TSR as our go-to company for gaming. I often wonder what become of that shop and it’s owner, but for now this tale is about how that middle school kid, now in his mid 40’s, found himself back out on the wasteland.

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