New Necromunda Information from NOVA Open

The NOVA Open tabletop wargaming convention started today, and with the convention came a closer look at the upcoming re-release of Necromunda from Games Workshop. As reported on the Warhammer Community website, Games Workshop demoed the game for attendees… and my how the game has changed.

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New Chaos Dwarf team by Gaspez-Arts Coming to Kickstarter

By all reports, the next Blood Bowl team coming from Games Workshop will not be available until November. Why is it going to take so long? It has to do with the decision to switch from Forge World resin to Games Workshop plastic and the long production times for that. In the meantime, there are still plenty of indie companies running crowdfunding campaigns and releasing new teams all the time. Case in point… the new Chaos Dwarf team coming from Gaspez-Arts.

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Warlord Games Fantasy Football Giveaway!

So, a while back I bought a team of silly female Dwarf minis from a company called Warlord Games. I thought they were hilarious because they were a Dwarven take on a “sexy” female team. If that doesn’t make you chuckle while shaking your head, I don’t know what will! Anyway, I already had a Games Workshop 3rd edition Dwarf team at the time, and shortly after, I picked up the fantastic Iron Golems Dwarf team. I painted both of those teams and even picked up a couple of Best Team trophies at local tournaments for them. Even more recently, I bought the Games Workshop 6th edition Dwarf team. So the question now is, do I REALLY need four Dwarf teams? The answer is a resounding, NO. What does that mean for you? It means that it’s time for Wyrd Stones and Tackle Zones’ very first mini giveaway!

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Under the Brush: Ep 3

Well, it’s been a couple of weeks since the previous post about painting my Delaque gang, so I thought I would check in. Admittedly, there has been very little progress. Between the sprained wrist, which is healing slowly but surely, and the drama of Hurricane-pocalypse here in Texas this week, there really hasn’t been much time for painting. I did, however, get about an hour or so to paint this afternoon… after the power came back on at the house.

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Let’s Talk About Gaming Mats

I want to start this post with the following disclaimer: I am pretty new to gaming mats. I have used a couple of custom printed neoprene Blood Bowl pitches over the years, but that is about the limit of my experience. I have technically owned a couple of Mantic Games mats for Deadzone for about a year or so, but since I have yet to actually play Deadzone, all I have managed to use them for is as a backdrop for taking pictures of miniatures. Well, it’s officially time for that to change! Deep-Cut Studio has graciously agreed to send us one of their Space Hulk gaming mats for review, so here we go!

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Under the Brush: Ep 2


My turn for Under the Brush! Well, more like Under the Exacto/Snips as these guys haven’t even been primed yet. OK, technically a few of them were primed before I started working on them. This bunch of brutes is my Chaos Renegades (formerly known as Chaos Pact) team the Silver Tower Denizens. See what I did there? Tying together two of Games Workshop’s recent boxed games … their season is over, but I plan on playing them again next season, hopefully I can get them painted up by then as we’re in something of a break. Read on for more pics!

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Neoprene Blood Bowl Pitches Have Arrived!

That’s right… After two false starts, the first two official neoprene for Blood Bowl are finally here. First we had an advertisement in an issue of White Dwarf stating that at the time of the release of the issue, the Reikland Reavers neoprene pitch would be already available for order, only to find no pitch available for order, and the advert removed from the digital edition of White Dwarf. Then, months later, we had the Gouged Eye pitch that actually went up for pre-order, only to have all open orders cancelled a week later.

In both cases, Games Workshop would officially cite quality control issues as the reason the pitches got pulled. Whatever the issues were, they have apparently been resolved because not only did both pitches go on pre-order again, both pitches were even delivered to my doorstep today! Oh… and I also received the Underworld Denizens Coins & Tokens pack…

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Under the Brush: Ep 1

Today marks the start of a new and (hopefully) ongoing section of Wyrd Stones and Tackle Zones. It’s called Under the Brush, and it will focus on what minis and/or terrain we are currently painting. For me, personally, I am hoping that it writing about what I am currently working will help me keep my motivation and focus for miniature painting. The idea is to write multiple posts as I progress with painting the minis I currently have on the table. We’ll see how this all pans out for me… Well, with the clever (I guess that’s debatable) intro out of the way, let’s take a look at what is Under the Brush!

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A couple of weeks ago speculation started to run wild when a small image from taken from this month’s White Dwarf magazine started making the rounds across the interwebs. That image (shown below) was a from a reader’s question asking if Necromunda was going to be making a return considering the success of Shadow War: Armageddon. The response was a teasing, “well, check back next month for some news…” Some thought this was only a reference to the upcoming Necromunda video game, but others dared to hope that this signaled the re-release of one of the more beloved games of the Games Workshop Specialist Games era. Well, today it is official… The Wahammer Community page has posted confirmation that Necromunda is officially coming back!

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Minotaur Pricing Confirmed


Via War of Sigmar, Forge World has announced what will be available at the Forge World Open Day. The minotaur will be 20 GBP and it will be Forge World, not a GW plastic release. Also the token packs for Chaos Renegades and Underworld Denizens will be 8 BGP each. I was hoping the two packs would be sold together, but that doesn’t look the case. Kind of seems like a lot of money for just a couple of tokens …