Necromunda… A Return to Terrain

So… when I first started this site, it was mostly about terrain, and occasionally about minis. Then, Games Workshop went and announced that they were re-releasing my favorite game, Blood Bowl, complete with all new miniatures. As a result, for more than a year now, I have focused mostly on new minis for Blood Bowl, along with occasionally writing about other games. This has been a little bit of a dilemma for me since I dislike painting minis so much. What got me into the hobby in the first place was pictures of really awesome terrain that I saw on websites like TerraGenesis. While keeping up with Blood Bowl releases, I got away from the part I liked most about this hobby… the terrain.

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A Return to the Underhive!

About 150 years ago, sometime around 1996 or 1997, some friends introduced me to a couple of games that would have a big impact on how I viewed gaming. The first was a little game called Blood Bowl. The second was Necromunda. I remember being blown away by the concept, the setting, the minis, and all the cardboard terrain that they managed to cram into the box. Blood Bowl may have prompted my first attempt at painting minis using real painting techniques, but Necromunda inspired me to my first attempts at building terrain, and that quickly became my favorite part of the hobby. Not long after, I moved to another city and lost touch with any groups that were actively playing Necromunda. The game got put on the back burner for me, but I held on to my Delaque gang knowing that I would paint them and play the game again one day.

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Under the Brush: Delaque Minis Ready for the Table

James often claims that he is the world’s slowest mini painter, but I think I might have him beat… only because it takes me months to get the motivation to finish painting minis, even if I am writing a series of posts about painting minis to try and keep myself motivated… I all seriousness, with the surgery that I had a few weeks ago, it was hard to concentrate on much else in the weeks leading up to it, so I really didn’t get much of anything hobby or site related done during that period of time. Now that my recovery is well underway, I was able to finally get some painting time in, and I was able to actually finish my Delaque gang.

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Under the Brush: My first painted warband


This is a post long overdue, the story of my first-ever completely painted warband of miniatures. I can count on one hand (technically two) the number of minis I’d painted before undertaking this endeavor: Two D&D miniatures when I was about 11 years old, and one of the plastic space marines from the 40k 2nd edition starter set. The other hand for the “technically two hands” are four of the OOP plastic Warhammer Fantasy militia I had built for Mordheim to get a feel for my painting technique.

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New Necromunda Information from NOVA Open

The NOVA Open tabletop wargaming convention started today, and with the convention came a closer look at the upcoming re-release of Necromunda from Games Workshop. As reported on the Warhammer Community website, Games Workshop demoed the game for attendees… and my how the game has changed.

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Under the Brush: Ep 3

Well, it’s been a couple of weeks since the previous post about painting my Delaque gang, so I thought I would check in. Admittedly, there has been very little progress. Between the sprained wrist, which is healing slowly but surely, and the drama of Hurricane-pocalypse here in Texas this week, there really hasn’t been much time for painting. I did, however, get about an hour or so to paint this afternoon… after the power came back on at the house.

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Let’s Talk About Gaming Mats

I want to start this post with the following disclaimer: I am pretty new to gaming mats. I have used a couple of custom printed neoprene Blood Bowl pitches over the years, but that is about the limit of my experience. I have technically owned a couple of Mantic Games mats for Deadzone for about a year or so, but since I have yet to actually play Deadzone, all I have managed to use them for is as a backdrop for taking pictures of miniatures. Well, it’s officially time for that to change! Deep-Cut Studio has graciously agreed to send us one of their Space Hulk gaming mats for review, so here we go!

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Under the Brush: Ep 1

Today marks the start of a new and (hopefully) ongoing section of Wyrd Stones and Tackle Zones. It’s called Under the Brush, and it will focus on what minis and/or terrain we are currently painting. For me, personally, I am hoping that it writing about what I am currently working will help me keep my motivation and focus for miniature painting. The idea is to write multiple posts as I progress with painting the minis I currently have on the table. We’ll see how this all pans out for me… Well, with the clever (I guess that’s debatable) intro out of the way, let’s take a look at what is Under the Brush!

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A couple of weeks ago speculation started to run wild when a small image from taken from this month’s White Dwarf magazine started making the rounds across the interwebs. That image (shown below) was a from a reader’s question asking if Necromunda was going to be making a return considering the success of Shadow War: Armageddon. The response was a teasing, “well, check back next month for some news…” Some thought this was only a reference to the upcoming Necromunda video game, but others dared to hope that this signaled the re-release of one of the more beloved games of the Games Workshop Specialist Games era. Well, today it is official… The Wahammer Community page has posted confirmation that Necromunda is officially coming back!

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