Critter Bowl IV


As much as I have played Blood Bowl over the years, I have only played in a few tournaments. I just have not had many opportunities. So, after playing in my first table-top Blood Bowl league in years recently, I entered the ROT Blood Bowl tournament in Austin in May. I only did ok, but I had a great time. Since then, I have been looking for an opportunity to play in another tournament. Enter Critter Bowl IV, hosted by the guys of the Both Down podcast on January 24th.

Critter Bowl is part Blood Bowl tournament, part baby shower for some I guy have never met. But hey, I do not really need an excuse to want to play Blood Bowl. It is in Norman, OK, though, so that will be quite a drive from Austin, TX. I am trying to get one or two of my league buddies to go with me, but we will see…

Anyway, I am thinking about actually blogging the tournament so I can document my experience for posterity and all. Should be a good time.

Second Edition Blood Bowl Minis!

So, a couple of days ago, during lunch, I decided to stop into a used game shop in town. This place is mostly board games and old toys, but I thought I would look around and check things out. Man, am I glad I did…

In the very back corner, I noticed a few blisters of old looking minis beckoning to me. When I got close enough to see them clearly, I could not believe my eyes. Among a few very old Warhammer minis, this place actually had FOUR sealed blisters of second edition Blood Bowl minis. I immediately snapped them up and took them home.

There were two blisters of Dark Elves with five minis a piece (all with the feathers still attached to their heads!), one blister of Humans with six minis, and one Star Player blister with six minis. Twenty-two minis in total… Holy Crap!

I immediately traded the Dark Elves to a friend for a mint copy of the game Block Mania, with the Mega Mania expansion. I am going to keep one or two of the Star Players for my current teams, and the rest with probably go up for trade.

I am so glad that I walked into that store… 🙂
