August Paint Challenge Results

I’m a little late on sharing the results of our August Paint Challenge, but late is better than never right? This month we decided to paint up some Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire warbands. Jeff and Jason opted to both paint Magore’s Fiends while I painted up my Sepulchral Guard.


Of course Jeff finished first. Jeff continues the iron and blood theme of his bloodskin army for Age of Sigmar. These guys are definitely more iron than blood of course as they are heavily armored. I really admire Jeff’s metallics I feel like they turn out looking so much better than mine.


Next up are my Sepulchral Guard. I opted for an orange and black look for my skeletons. Everybody seems to be doing red on these guys (which looks great!) but I decided to do something a little different.

It’s a little Halloweeny of course, and a bit of an ode to my high school colors, but honestly I never had much school spirit (get it? eh … that joke would work better on the upcoming nighthaunt guys, wouldn’t it?)


And finally, Jason pulled through at the last minute with his take on the Fiends. Jason opted for more of the classic Khorne look and they look fantastic! I especially like the muted colors on the fleshhound. That thing looks ferocious.

Congrats again to everyone completing another paint challenge. Now for this month’s challenge …

September got its name from being the 7th month of the original Roman calendar. January and February were added later making it 9th.

So…the challenge is to declare and paint 7 models. All 7 from the same faction/warband/team/whatever.
BUT…you also have to be ready to reveal 2 painted surprise models unrelated to the other 7 (different warband/army/game/whatnot).
9 models total.
7 stated up front. 2 spoilers.