The Court of the King in Yellow – Warcry

Earlier in the year when I was airbrushing everything that wasn’t nailed down, I had a chance to blow through my Cypher Lords warband from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar game Warcry. These truly weird chaos cultish warband really pushed the idea of what a chaos twisted band of followers could look like. From the outside they could easily pass as a mystical band of martial artists with a fancy for elaborate headgear. Of all the warbands released the look of this warband I found the most intriguing. With their true allegiance in disguise, it leaves the age-old fear of what makes chaos the scariest, the Enemy Within! Brainstorming the idea was the easy part, next was to get that idea a color scheme.

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Warcry: Mordheim Beastmen Join the Herd and Head to the Varanspire


Once again I decided to reinvigorate some life into my Mordheim collection and selected my Beastman Warband to leave the Empire in Flames of the world that was, and to join the new hotness of Warcry! Continue reading

Warcry: Turning Mordheim Models into Roaming Beasts


Logic would suggest that a person should start with the basics of a game before they start adding extras into the mix.  Being a less than speedy painter I can never keep up with the Games Workshop production line of new products.  This typically results in me having making a hodgepodge collection as I move in and out of the collection stream.  This time around instead of starting with the core released box set of the game I have instead gone with roaming beasts that are not even part of the core rules. 

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Taking the Plunge into the World of Airbrushing: Part 3


With no excuses left it was time to take the plunge into airbrushing.  I combed YouTube looking for how-to videos and decided to follow a few techniques in my application.  As with most videos on the topic, once I finally got my feet wet and started to use the airbrush I really wished I had started using it sooner! Continue reading

Warcry: Splintering Some Fangs


It’s been a while since my last post finishing up my wood elf team for Blood Bowl, I haven’t been idle, I’ve just been lousy about blogging. In the mean time I’ve painted up a warband of Warcry! Like the rest of my WSTZ compatriots I was smitten by the release of Warcry. Seeing all the warbands made especially for the setting of the Eight Points really got my blood pumping, but one in particular got my venom pumping.

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Warcry: Shattered Stormvault Unboxing


I’m a bit late to the party this time with the Shattered Stormvault.  I used up the last of my Paypal money to order this fellow off Ebay so it arrived a little bit after the release weekend.  Read on if you wish to see the secrets of the Stormvault revealed!

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Warcry: The Corpsewrack Mausoleum Unboxing


The hype-train has finally pulled into the station!  Well. some of the train has.  I made the mistake of pre-ordering Warcry directly from GW so I don’t have the game in hand, but I was able to pick up some sweet terrain for the game with the Corpsewrack Mausoleum!

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