Warhammer Underworlds Terrain: 200 Skulls Too Many


As with Mr. White, I am never content to have a project be finished.  Although I’m not 100% on the newer rules for terrain in Underworlds, for the core boards in Shadespire there are some blocking terrain pieces.  While not required I feel that having just some border lines on the hexes is enough to truly represent the terrain.  I’m not the only one thinking that because there are people out there making terrain purposely made for the boards. Continue reading

Shadespire: Eyes of the Nine

I have been a fan of the models produced for Shadespire  since they where first released.  While I will always prefer multi-pose models over single pose, credit must be given to Games Workshop with the quality of their plastic models.  They are clearly years ahead of their competitors and I personally believe that their line of Shadespire and the follow on edition models are some of the best.  While the idea of a quasi-collectable card game is not normally in my wheelhouse, I just couldn’t resist the temptation of the models to give them a try.  Using my new airbrush toy, the Eyes of the Nine where the first to go for a full spin. Continue reading

Taking the Plunge into the World of Airbrushing: Part 3


With no excuses left it was time to take the plunge into airbrushing.  I combed YouTube looking for how-to videos and decided to follow a few techniques in my application.  As with most videos on the topic, once I finally got my feet wet and started to use the airbrush I really wished I had started using it sooner! Continue reading

Warhammer Underworlds: Grand Alliance – Order

I recently knocked out three Order warbands for Warhammer Underworlds. The Farstriders, The Condemnors and The Chosen Axes. All three were a little on hold until I could replenish my green static grass supply. The grass came in, so the minis are done. Just in time to help build a little momentum here at the beginning of the New Year.

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The Shade-Crazed Gargant

Collector’s of White Dwarf were treated to a Warhammer: Underworlds variant in the magazine’s December 2018 issue. The Glass-Mad Gargant article introduced a fun multi-player scenario where the players battle not only against one another, but against a crazed denizen of the Mirrored City. I generally try to always ‘play it painted’, so haven’t run the scenario until I could get myself a Gargant. Well, now I have a giant…

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8 Shocking Things You Didn’t Know About Shadespire!


As a bit of fun, we decided to rank the eight Shadespire warbands strictly based on what we think of the models. This has nothing to do with how these warbands have performed in tournaments or how much we like playing any of them. It’s strictly superficial. Although it is a known fact that painted models play better. True story.

Sorry for the clickbait headline, list articles are the original form of clickbait, so I had to go with it. Tongue in cheek of course.

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Warhammer Underworlds: Paint it Black

I recently painted the Shadespire Stormcast warband for Mike. He wanted black as a primary color but with plenty of gold trim. Traditionally, I’ve struggled a bit with black, often highlighting with grey or dark blue which cause my models to appear…grey or dark blue. These three models were the start of another chance of getting black down because a black based Blood Bowl team looms on my horizon.

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The case of the perfect case


Check out that lovely chair our neighbor gave us! We have a very trendy interior design style, it’s called “free chic.”

I’ve been trying to figure out the case situation for my minis for a little while now. I’ve been using the deluxe box of the Willy Miniatures Ratmen Team that I unboxed a few months back to get my Blood Bowl stuff around to my league games. And it’s been fine. But I’ve also recently gotten into the Hobbit Strategy Battle Game which requires quite a few more models than Blood Bowl. Not hundreds of models, but dozens. So I need a solution for that too, as well as my BB team.

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