Blood Bowl: The Wizards

In my games of DungeonBowl, I’ve pretty much made it the norm for each team to have a College Wizard for free. They’re all the same cost, at 100K, so it balances out. Plus, it helps further separate DB from BB proper with each team having a Wizard-Coach. I picked up the Collegiate Arcane – Mystic Battle Wizards box as it comes with enough bits to make four wizard models of multiple college types.

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Blood Bowl: The Undead

I meant to get this post out at the end of October, but became pre-occupied. Last October, in celebration of “Orktober” I painted up several flavors of green-skin models to make teams for a few different Blood Bowl titles. This year, I did something similar, but for Undead. Maybe a bit more fitting for October.

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Blitz Bowl: Skaven Team (and College of Shadow DB team!)

I’ve had these models assembled and primed for close to three years now..or whenever it was when the first edition of Blitz Bowl came out. The long delay in getting ’em painted was because they looked a chore to paint, and I wasn’t sure what color scheme I’d go with. Turns out they were pretty easy.

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Dungeon Bowl: Dressing

One of my goals for 2023 is to paint up all the dungeon dressing for the base box of Dungeon Bowl. Last post I showed off some doorways from the classic Warhammer Quest and above we have the WHQ minotaur immortalized in bronze. I felt it fitting to have him as the center of a dungeon’s maze, but I was also able to knock out everything else for my Dungeon Bowl set.

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Dungeon Bowl: The Doorways

Short post here. As I’ve done with Blitz Bowl pitches, I’ve decided to dress up my DungeonBowl dungeon with some 3d dressings. Well, I’ve previously done the portals and chests, but those came with the game, I’m referring to a few extra bits starting with the doorways.

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Dungeon Bowl: College of Metal

Back in Orctober I painted up a Black Orc Blitz Bowl team with the idea being that those six models could combine with the six models of my Orc Blitz Bowl team to be a 12 model strong College of Metal squad. Both Orc teams are black with white shoulder pads. Well, the College of Metal have a few other player options… Human Blitzers and Khorne Bloodseekers.

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Blitz Bowl: The Khorne Team

In early September, I decided I’d take the new Khorne Team to Chaos Cup (a post on that team is forthcoming). While doing that team, I went ahead and worked on a Blitz Bowl (BzB) team at the same team. Spoiler alert…they don’t use the same team colors. The BzB Khorne Team is essentially a separate project. Why’d I go with different colors? And what’s with those red skin tones? Read on…

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Blitz Bowl: The Ogre Team

While I was working on the Mournmountain Sabretusks ogre team for the local Blood Bowl league, I went ahead and tackled the Blitz Bowl version of the ogre team as well. However, instead of the same red, white, and blue colors, I went grey and yellow to maximize their gaming potential.

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DungeonBowl: Chests and Portals

I’ve already got plenty of Blood Bowl models on dungeon tile bases (for my Blitz Bowl collection), so the recent re-release of GW’s DungeonBowl was an easy “yes”. I already had all the team models that came in the DB set, as I had been collecting them for Blitz Bowl. The only plastic in the DB box left to paint were the treasure chests and portals.

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