Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire Ruins

One of the main things I like to be able to do when getting into a game is be able to provide all the bits necessary to host a few tables. By host I don’t mean to just have the bits available required to play, but to have tables that can immerse the players into the setting as much as possible. A game like Warhammer Underworlds doesn’t have a lot of the 3D features you see in the more traditional minis games as it’s pretty much a board game. However…there are blocked hexes and these can provide that little bit of dressing to represent models slinking about the ruins of the Mirrored City.

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Warhammer Underworlds: Grand Alliance – Order

I recently knocked out three Order warbands for Warhammer Underworlds. The Farstriders, The Condemnors and The Chosen Axes. All three were a little on hold until I could replenish my green static grass supply. The grass came in, so the minis are done. Just in time to help build a little momentum here at the beginning of the New Year.

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Under the Brush: Glorfindel on Asfaloth


Happy New Year! I hope you are all doing well and looking forward to another year of hobbies! I had intended to get this model done to be my last model for 2019, but things didn’t pan out that way, so now it has the honor of being my first model for 2020!

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