Gore Ball Kickstarter – Campaign Update AKA Even MOAR OGRES!!! and GOBLINS!!!

Recently I wrote about a crowd funding campaign that I came across from Word Forge Games. The campaign is for an Ogre team for their upcoming game, Gore Ball. I was really impressed by their renders and sample minis, and I like the fact that their Ogres look really similar in style to the current Blood Bowl Human team Ogre from Games Workshop.

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Zara the Slayer Conversion – Finished!

A few months ago I wrote a post about a really cool Zara the Slayer conversion I saw on the Facebook Blood Bowl Community group and how it inspired me to attempt the same conversion. I usually shy away from conversions as I am not particularly good at them, but this one looked pretty simple and the results turned out much nicer than I would have expected.

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June Forge World Unboxings: Part 3

Alright, in my last post I asked which mini you wanted to see in an unboxing next. I got a few responses between this site, Facebook, and Reddit, and the results were unanimous. Everyone wanted Grim Ironjaw for the next unboxing. So… here we go!

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The Highs and Lows of the Hobby

Last week Forge World put three new Blood Bowl items up for pre-order. These items included the Orcland Raiders Orc team (which was really just the boxed set Orcs with some resin pieces added to change their visual style slightly), the Goblin Secret Weapons pack (woohoo!), and the Gouged Eye neoprene pitch. I am a sucker for anything Blood Bowl related, so I made sure to get my order in early so as not be disappointed.

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June Forge World Unboxings: Part 2

Welcome to another thrilling episode of June Forge World Unboxings! Last time we looked at the new, and VERY large Hakflem Skuuttlespike. Today we will keep with the Skaven theme and look at the first of the team booster packs from Forge World.

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Let’s make a Pact: New Willy Miniatures Kickstarter


My local Blood Bowl league is getting a bit of a reboot in its premiere season. This gives me a chance to ditch my crippled high elves in favor of something else. After taking a beating with the elves, I must admit I’m an elf failure, unable to score in four games, but I digress, I was feeling a bit dejected. I could fall back on my tried and true humans but wasn’t really feeling it or any other teams, really. Until I latched on to the idea of Chaos Pact or Chaos Renegades as Games Workshop calls them in the latest edition of Blood Bowl.

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Blood Bowl: Wood Elf Team from Iron Golems

Having been around the game of Blood Bowl for 25+ years, it takes a special look to get me excited about a team. Well, it takes that 2nd edition ‘fantasy sports’ look to be precise. I’m not sure if that style was once called ‘cyber sports’, but in my circles we just call it the ‘2nd edition look’. I’ve sort of passed along teams from the 3rd edition ‘Warhammer Army’ era, and have yet to pick up a team with the current GW ‘Gladiator’ (for lack of a term) aesthetics.  In the past 3 years the most recently produced team I’ve fielded in a game has been the plastics from the 3rd edition box…and this is the most prized Blood Bowl book on my shelf:

I think you see where I’m coming from.

So…with those leanings I am trying to make an effort to not just stick to Oldhammer minis, but to find, and support, companies that are currently producing content for the game, _but_ with that style that excites my nostalgic and creative juices.

One such company is Iron Golems from Spain.

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Gore Ball Kickstarter… MOAR OGRES!

I had an interesting Kickstarter campaign pointed out to me yesterday. A company called Word Forge Games is running a campaign for new Ogre miniatures to be used with a forthcoming game called Gore Ball. Gore Ball sounds like yet another riff on the “Fantasy Football” tabletop game genre (i.e. another Blood Bowl clone), which I am not usually interested in. The reason I am not usually interested in them is because I figure I have Blood Bowl, therefore I do not really need tons of Blood Bowl-like games. However, I am interested in this Kickstarter due to the fact that the Ogre minis that the campaign will be funding look like they would fit in VERY nicely with the newest Games Workshop Blood Bowl Ogre.

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June Forge World Unboxings: Part 1

As you are probably aware, Forge World has recently put several new releases up for pre-order. Well, today I got a box in the mail, and that means it is time for more unboxings! I am going to do things a little different this time due to the amount of pieces that have come in. I will be posting a new unboxing every couple of days until I run out of new minis… and since I have another Forge World order arriving next week, that might take a while. First up is the Skaven Star Player, Hakflem Skuttlespike.

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Black Scorpion Miniatures Releases New Halfling Team… And It Ain’t Bad!

Well, it would appear that Games Workshop’s Made to Order program is not the only “new” Halfling team for Blood Bowl. Yesterday, Black Scorpion Miniatures announced that they were adding a new Halfling team to their line of “Fantasy Football” minis, and I have to be honest… I like the little guys.

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