Blitz Bowl: Halfling Team

Halflings were always my preferred Dungeons and Dragons race when I was a a youth, but I never felt drawn to play them in Blood Bowl. I guess I was never a fan of all the kitchenware on their models. I can get behind them being a joke team, but I’d still like them to look like a…well…sports team.

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Blitz Bowl: Human and Orc Teams

At this point, I’ve played lots of Blitz Bowl. However, I’ve played very little with the actual humans and orcs. Being the standard default teams in every edition of Blood Bowl, I’ve painted plenty so I’ve sort of drug my feet on getting their BzB versions done. My minis rule is basically ‘Play it Painted’, so these teams have sat in their locker rooms for awhile. Now, they’re ready for the pitch.

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Analyzing the New Blood Bowl Teams


The volume of new Blood Bowl material releases has gone from deathly silence to a roar of new information in a torrent of official and unofficial leaks.  After being floored by the news of a new box set release, we’ve been bombarded with information faster than our collective fingers can type.  Today we are going to look at the two new rosters released in the new box set and what our gut reactions are.  Continue reading

Blood Bowl – Second Season Reactions

Weird Stones & Tackle Zones was founded by Blood Bowl enthusiasts. Even though we’ve drifted back and forth through other titles, big BB news still gets us talking. And well…a brand new edition so short after the BB2016 relaunch is pretty big news. So what do our collection of old coaches think about the recently announced new version of the game? Step into our locker room…

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