Blood Bowl – Second Season Reactions

Weird Stones & Tackle Zones was founded by Blood Bowl enthusiasts. Even though we’ve drifted back and forth through other titles, big BB news still gets us talking. And well…a brand new edition so short after the BB2016 relaunch is pretty big news. So what do our collection of old coaches think about the recently announced new version of the game? Step into our locker room…

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Ogres Thunder Their Way on to the Pitch

Ogre 12

Many years ago when I was a much younger man with no responsibilities, I had the luck to attend the first Blood Bowl tournament held at the GW headquarters in Nottiginham.  Besides playing six nail-biting games over a two day period and attempting to drink Bugman’s Bar dry, I had an exciting opportunity to be one of the first 100+ people to get my hands on the then brand new metal Ogre team.

At the time the Ogre team was something to be awed at.  It offered a plethora of arms, legs, head, and bodies to help create a wide variety of poses.  It also came with a new goblin model and an arm representing an ogre throwing a goblin.  The models wear beefy!  Being completely metal they were always at risk of drops breaking them back into their component pieces.  Their size and bases also made them tricky to use on the game board.  It wasn’t too long before the team was out of production and now 18+ years later a new and improved team takes to the field.  Do they stack up to their forefathers?  Are we seeing an ogre renaissance?  Mr. White and I offer our thoughts on this new team and how we feel they stack up against their history.

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Warcry: The Corpsewrack Mausoleum Unboxing


The hype-train has finally pulled into the station!  Well. some of the train has.  I made the mistake of pre-ordering Warcry directly from GW so I don’t have the game in hand, but I was able to pick up some sweet terrain for the game with the Corpsewrack Mausoleum!

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Halflings hit Blood Bowl and Blitz Bowl!?!

GAMAReveals-Mar11-BBHalflingsMinis5scfThe GAMA trade show has finally brought us some much anticipated Blood Bowl news, and boy was it a surprise to some!  Speculation had run the gambit on the next team to see the light of day and personally I will admit that I was surprised.  The crew of WSTZ discusses the design of the new diminutive team and Jeff works his wizardry to translate this team onto the Blitz Bowl circuit!

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Oi! Dat’s my leg! Unboxing and Build of Blood Bowl Armored Troll and Killer Kontrapions


Better late than never, Games Workshop has finally gotten around to giving us the last of the goblin secret weapons and a troll with two feet on the ground! I take the time to unboxing and assemble these fantastic new models, so follow along below and see how these new models come together.

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Off the Beaten Pitch: Goblin Guild’s Grim Butchers Chaos Dwarf Team Unboxing and Review


If you recall, I mentioned how rough the summer was on my wallet when it came to the amount of new Blood Bowl teams that 3rd-party manufacturers were producing.  In total I added another seven teams through Kickstarter last year and the rewards of that folly adventure have begun to trickle in.  The first to arrive only slightly behind schedule is a new take on the men with hats, the Grim Butchers from Goblin Guild.

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Doom Lords, Star Players Card Pack, and Chaos Themed Dice Unboxing!

Well, I guess it’s been quiet a while since my last post. I didn’t really intend for that to happen, but I guess that’s the way it goes sometimes. Life can be interesting. With that being said, Games Workshop has finally given us some new Blood Bowl releases, and I’m back to give you all another unboxing.

Now, you might notice right away that this post looks a lot different than my normal unboxing posts… Well, I decided that I wanted to try something a little different. I’ve been wanting to transition to video format for a while, and even toyed with a few video AND written posts last year. Well, this time I have decided to attempt a video only unboxing. I’m fairly new to the YouTube scene, so I hope you’ll bare with me. I hope that this will be the primary format of my unboxing moving forward, so let me know what you think in the comments below, or in the comments section on the YouTube page!

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Warhammer Fest Round-up: Blood Bowl

Happy Warhammer Fest weekend everyone! And happy Mothers’ Day to all you moms in the US! Unfortunately living in the US I couldn’t make it to Warhammer Fest (sigh … maybe some day) but it was exciting to wake up this morning and check my social media feeds for updates from the big Games Workshop convention. It felt like being a kid on Christmas morning again! Except with news instead of presents. About stuff I’ll have to spend my own money on instead of gifts from Santa. Enough chit chat, let’s get to the good stuff, Wyrd Stones & Tackle Zones favorite game: Blood Bowl!

The first big reveal, the next team! We just had the Chaos Chosen Doom Lords the other week so I’ll admit I was surprised to see the next team completely revealed and it’s none other than the wicked dark elves!

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Gaspez-Arts Bull Warriors Team Unboxing and Review

Soooooooo….. I guess it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. There are a number of reasons for that, and I won’t bore anyone with the details. The good news is that I’m back and I have something really cool to share with you guys.

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