Xenos Rampant: The Bandits

“For the good old American life: For the money, for the glory, and for the fun… mostly for the money.”

The last gang I have to paint models up for are The Bandits. I was calling them “The Rockers” or “The Smugglers” earlier, but we’ll go with The Bandits for now.

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Xenos Rampant: The Punks

“You think this is a f’n’ costume? This is a way of life.” – Suicide, Return of the Living Dead.

For this gang, I was thinking that maybe I’d have each model be unique in their own colors, but…nah. Unified gang colors make the models easier to paint. Plus, as they could be a unit in Xenos Rampant, probably Berzerk Infantry, I want them to have a unified aesthetic that’s better for gameplay. Besides, anyone who’s spent any time in and around punk circles has probably seen the irony in there being a bit of conformity.

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