Armada: Full Steam Ahead!

In the halcyon days of summer 2017, the Wyrd Stones and Tackle Zones crew reunited for a gaming weekend in Austin, TX. One of the top-billed games we played was Games Workshop’s classic Man O’ War. We had a blast and I’ve been looking for a way to get that same gaming experience ever since. In late 2020, Mantic Games released Armada, a naval combat game set in their Kings of War universe. Some local gaming buddies jumped on the bandwagon and I took the plunge too.

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Warhammer Underworlds Terrain: 200 Skulls Too Many


As with Mr. White, I am never content to have a project be finished.  Although I’m not 100% on the newer rules for terrain in Underworlds, for the core boards in Shadespire there are some blocking terrain pieces.  While not required I feel that having just some border lines on the hexes is enough to truly represent the terrain.  I’m not the only one thinking that because there are people out there making terrain purposely made for the boards. Continue reading

Gaslands: Death Race Gates

Gaslands is a game that has the advantage of letting hobbyists get off sorta cheap. Small, toy cars usually cost about $1 USD, and I can image they’re just as affordable around the world. It seemed odd to me that all of the doodads surrounding the game were then going for quite a bit. So, I was determined to lean into the old school hobby ethic and do it myself. Starting with the gates necessary for the default Gaslands scenario, the Death Race.

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Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire Ruins

One of the main things I like to be able to do when getting into a game is be able to provide all the bits necessary to host a few tables. By host I don’t mean to just have the bits available required to play, but to have tables that can immerse the players into the setting as much as possible. A game like Warhammer Underworlds doesn’t have a lot of the 3D features you see in the more traditional minis games as it’s pretty much a board game. However…there are blocked hexes and these can provide that little bit of dressing to represent models slinking about the ruins of the Mirrored City.

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Underworlds: Display Base

Unfortunately, I don’t get out to many Warhammer Underworlds tournaments, but for games I really enjoyed, I’ve always liked have a little display base for my models. Nothing fancy, just something big enough for a warband or team’s worth of figs. Living in a smaller home, storage is an issue, so making and storing something like a display base has to take a few things into consideration. Namely… a low profile. Fortunately, a friend had a spare Arcane Ruins set which provided exactly what I needed.

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Warcry: Shattered Stormvault Unboxing


I’m a bit late to the party this time with the Shattered Stormvault.  I used up the last of my Paypal money to order this fellow off Ebay so it arrived a little bit after the release weekend.  Read on if you wish to see the secrets of the Stormvault revealed!

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Warcry: The Corpsewrack Mausoleum Unboxing


The hype-train has finally pulled into the station!  Well. some of the train has.  I made the mistake of pre-ordering Warcry directly from GW so I don’t have the game in hand, but I was able to pick up some sweet terrain for the game with the Corpsewrack Mausoleum!

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Celebrating Blood Bowl Through Blitz Bowl

Anyone I know fortunate enough to have a go at GW’s Blood Bowl Universe intro game, Blitz Bowl, has had a grand time. Released only in select markets its availability is limited which is a shame as this is a fantastic refinement of the Blood Bowl concepts by designer James Hewitt. This isn’t a review of the game or its mechanics, there are plenty of those to be found online, but how this limited release title enabled this hobbyist to finally be able to build a little Blood Bowl themed terrain.

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Necromunda… A Return to Terrain

So… when I first started this site, it was mostly about terrain, and occasionally about minis. Then, Games Workshop went and announced that they were re-releasing my favorite game, Blood Bowl, complete with all new miniatures. As a result, for more than a year now, I have focused mostly on new minis for Blood Bowl, along with occasionally writing about other games. This has been a little bit of a dilemma for me since I dislike painting minis so much. What got me into the hobby in the first place was pictures of really awesome terrain that I saw on websites like TerraGenesis. While keeping up with Blood Bowl releases, I got away from the part I liked most about this hobby… the terrain.

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Warhammer Shadespire – Terrain

With Games Workshop’s recently release of their competitive arena battle game, Shadespire, many players have looked for ideas on how to add a bit of flair to their adventures in the Mirrored City. We still have a large back catalog of proper minis to paint, so in the meantime, we’ve opted to go back about 15 years for a product that fits our current gaming needs.

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