Gaslands: Death Race Gates

Gaslands is a game that has the advantage of letting hobbyists get off sorta cheap. Small, toy cars usually cost about $1 USD, and I can image they’re just as affordable around the world. It seemed odd to me that all of the doodads surrounding the game were then going for quite a bit. So, I was determined to lean into the old school hobby ethic and do it myself. Starting with the gates necessary for the default Gaslands scenario, the Death Race.

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The Case for the Perfect Case: Part 2 – Pick and Pluck your Battles


Earlier this year I picked up some hardcover cases with pluck foam from Sam’s Club and did a little review-ish thing. I decided to return the cases to the store, because really they were much too big. I wanted something I could fit inside a backpack along with my rules manuals, dice, etc. Not feel like I was using carry-on luggage every time I went to play some games. In the end I decided to buy the Citadel Skirmish Case, which I’ve liked quite a bit. You can fit a lot of minis in there and it fits in a backpack. However with two Blood Bowl teams (with 4 big guys among them!) and then with my Middle-earth Strategy Battle Games minis, things started to get a bit crowded. I also didn’t feel like hauling around the bulk of my miniatures collection all the time, too many eggs in one basket.

I started researching the Kill Team Case Games Workshop produced when Kill Team was announced. It’s basically the one of the accordion foam trays in the Skirmish Case but in a zippered case. In a Facebook thread about the product, people mentioned they didn’t like how soft the foam exterior was, and one guy mentioned picked up a little case from Harbor Freight for $15. Fast forward a couple months and I’ve picked one up myself.

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Under the hobby knife: The troubles with press molds


As I mentioned in my last post I’ve been working on some conversions for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game. Specifically, mounted Gil-Galad, mounted Glorfindel and armored and mounted Lindir. This is an update on my experiments.

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Hobby Tips: Simple Green

Recently, I hit some minis with either a bad can of primer or the humidity was off because I ended up blowing wet dust on a batch of ’em for my Warhammer Quest Silver Tower game. Scouting around online I read a little about a cleaning product called Simple Green that supposedly has the properties to remove paint and primer from plastic without melting the plastic itself. This is exactly what I needed so I sought out this emerald elixir.

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